Mighty Fund overview

2 min read

100% to the field

We make a commitment to our donors to use 100% of any donation made toward a given project solely on the funding and execution of that project. This means that none of the project directed giving can be used on Mite's administrative budget requirements. You may ask how that can be done? How does an organization that works with outreach partners around the world fund their administration if none of the project based giving can be used on none program costs?

That is where the Mighty Fund comes in.

This Fund is Mighty

The Mighty Fund is established to help Mite accomplish its mission of spreading the joy of giving! Faithful Miters who believe fully in the vision of our organization and want to join us in reaching everybody in the world with the message that "Giving is Better" support Mite through the Mighty Fund. Their generous gifts help fund the administrative overhead necessary to run a worldwide organization.

Now, at Mite we work to keep our admin costs low. So it is not uncommon for assets in the Mighty Fund to be used to cover projects that do not get full funding. But the opposite does not, and will not, happen.

Thank you Mighty Funders

We are so thankful for our Mighty Funders! You should be as well. Their faithful and consistent support of our administrative requirements allows funding given toward projects to be used solely for that purpose. As our Mighty Funders support our overhead costs, we get to Do Good Globally!

We love that and know that our Mighty Funders do as well! If you would like to help Mite grow and do more good around the world, consider giving to the Mighty Fund. You can support our mission by clicking the Get Started button below