Give With Confidence
- 100% of project donations go directly to the field
- Over 35% of our community donates monthly
- 100% of our partners would work with us again
- Accredited by ECFA, Excellence in Giving, GreatNonprofits & Charity Navigator
- All projects include updates & Celebration Videos
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I set up automatic payment?
Yes! It is pretty easy. You can select giving frequency from the drop down field on the giving form at the top of this page. When you select a frequency other than "One-Time", the donation will be set to automatically pay at the set timing. You can do the same in the giving pop-up throughout the site and on each project. We have kept the field in the same locations to make it easy to recognize.
How do I set up ACH payment with Mite?
We ask you to contact us via email or phone in order to set up ACH payment. We are working to make this automated within our online system. For now we would love to help you set up ACH for donating. Just let us know.
Can I pay with a check?
Yes! If you would like to donate to Mite via paper check, you can make your check out to "Mite" and send it via mail to Mite, PO Box 1187, Belmont, NC 28012. Note that it may take a week or so to process check donations. You will receive a donation receipt via mail to the return address on your envelope. If you prefer a digital donation receipt, please provide your email address with your check on a note inside your envelope.
Can I give via a Donor Advised Fund?
Yes! As a public charity registered with the IRS, Mite is able to accept funds via Donor Advised Funds (DAF). You can accomplish this by assigning your DAF grant to eMite Inc. (official entity name).
If using a National Christian Foundation DAF, you can simply assign a grant to The eMite Fund (#1790740).
If you have your DAF at The Signatry, you can transfer a grant to The eMite Fund (#2516279).
If your Donor Advised Fund is at any of the major financial firms' charitable foundations (Fidelity, BofA, Merrill Lynch, etc), you can request a Grant for eMite Inc, PO Box 1187, Belmont, NC 28012 (EIN - 475605968). If you need any help, the helpful Mite staff is ready to help. Please give us a call or send an email and we will walk you through the process.
Is it possible to give to a general projects fund?
Yes! If you would rather have your project funding assigned at Mite's discretion, so that the funding goes where it is most needed in field, you can select "Support All Projects" from the drop down. You will fund this selection inside your user account area under the "Billing" navigation link. Choose create a Donation Plan and the "Support All Projects" from the drop down on the project selection field.
Where does Mite work around the world?
Our charity is dedicated to serving people, regardless of how difficult it is to reach them. From our hometowns to the most remote places on earth, we continue reaching out to communities in need. We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to live a wonderful life, and we are dedicated to doing everything we can to make that a reality for people all over the globe. Whether we serve in a bustling city or a remote village, we approach every project with the same level of commitment and dedication, always striving to make a positive impact and to improve the lives of those we serve. You can view all Mite projects on an interactive 3D globe in your giver account if you want a glimpse of where we work around the world.
What is the Mighty Fund?
The Mighty Fund is what we use to support our operational budget requirements. Funds donated to the Mighty Fund are used to keep the lights on, support our fabulous staff and forward the Mite Mission of serving givers! We can use the Mighty Fund monies for support of projects, but we cannot use project funding to replenish the Mighty Fund. For more information on the Mighty Fund, visit our Mighty Fund Resource Page (