We Take the Guesswork Out of Giving
At Mite, we strive to go above and beyond to help donors know exactly how their money is used. We do this through partnering with trustworthy nonprofit organizations, well-planned projects, and media captured straight from the field.
Track your impactaround the world
Our path to impact is through total awareness. We gather photos, videos, stats & stories from our projects and report them straight to you. At Mite, our focus is ensuring transparent giving with transparent outcomes — because actions speak louder than words.
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All donations go directly to our projects
That's what we call charity!
Join the charityplatform made for givers
Are you ready to experience the joy of giving? Get real live, personalized updates about the help you provide to people worldwide. Enjoy a charity platform, made for the giver in you!
Personalized Insights
Receive updates & exclusive insider access throughout the lifecycle of every project you help fund.
Charity Community
Join hundreds of others in the Mite community who are spreading the joy of giving!
Proof of Impact
Give to charity projects vetted against stringent criteria & know how your gift is used — 100% of the time.