Practical giving overview

2 min read

Giving ins and outs

At Mite we love the subject of giving, generosity and charity in general. We can talk about it all day long. But we understand that just talking about giving does not a life of giving make! For this reason we have created this area in our resource area.

The Practical Giving section of our resources is intended to help those who wish to develop generosity within their own life. In this section we focus on practices and measures that donors can take to promote giving within their own lives as well as in the lives around them. The principals we share here are learned over years of philanthropic endeavor as well as from decades of studying the topic of charity.

Practical is key

The content in this resource area is provided for practical purposes. This resource area is not created to answer the doctrinal question weaved throughout charity and giving. Rather, the focus is on providing real life, practical advice and information that will assist people in their journey of generosity.

It is intentionally simplified. Don't try to complicate it. Giving is to be enjoyed! No one likes unnecessary complication.