The Mighty Fund
A mighty mission fund
As stated in the Mighty Fund overview, the Mighty Fund allows donors to support Mite's overall mission. This fund is the engine behind the outreach done through our partners as well as the incredible donor service provided by the Mite Donor Care Team. Without the faithful support of Mighty Fund donors, Mite would be unable to conduct projects effectively and would undoubtedly have to diminish its donor update and awareness program.
How can we be sure of this? The Mighty Fund is missional. The fund is directly connected to the overall Mite program and drives the Mite inspiration. Those who give to the Mighty Fund understand that without support for the operations of Mite, there would be no way of serving Mite outreach partners and donors. There would be no way to spread the word. There would be no way to accomplish the mission of spreading the joy of giving so that every donor understands how wonderful giving can be.
Mighty Fund at work
When donors give to the Mighty Fund, they allow Mite to use the funds as required within the organization's overall operations. These types of donations are often called "undesignated." However, to Mite, these funds are designated to help accomplish the reason why Mite exists! We apply the same stewardship Mite is known for on our project donations. We follow through with our Mighty Fund donors so that they understand how their support impacts the ministry and Mite work worldwide.
Below is an inexhaustive list of expenses Mighty Fund designated donations may cover:
- Office administrative costs
- Program related expenses
- Development & marketing costs
- Donor outreach & services
- Internet technology costs
Project can be supported
You may have noticed in the list above that programs were included as a cost supported by the Mighty Fund. Mite sometimes uses Mighty Fund donations to cover portions of its outreach projects directly. We will not apply Project-designated contributions to administrative expenses. However, there may be times when management may direct Might Funds toward program costs to complete an underfunded project.
Giving to the Mighty Fund
There are several ways to donate to the Mighty Fund. The most common way is over the giving page. To access this page, click the Give button in the upper right corner of our website. Donations made through this method will be credit card charges. You can also donate via written check sent to our post office box (1187) in Belmont, North Carolina.
Mite can also accept ACH payments through direct deposit from your bank. If you want to use this method, don't hesitate to contact Mite Donor Care to set it up. Finally, you can donate through a donor-advised fund (DAF) via check or even directly at the National Christian Foundation (The eMite Fund - #1790740) or through the Signatry (The eMite Fund - 2516279).
As always, our helpful staff are ready to help if we can. Please feel free to contact us with any inquiries.