Join us in backing mobile missionaries as we rally funds for 10 motorbikes.

Project 60: Revival Riders - Liberia

Join us in backing mobile missionaries as we rally funds for 10 motorbikes, helping them broaden their reach among unreached tribes in Liberia. Your donation will help establish local churches, equip leaders, distribute Biblical resources, and deliver crucial development services to remote villages. Read more

100% Funded

$20,000 of $20,000

People served

50000 served

Project category



Zwedru. Liberia

Join us in our mission to support Wordsower Africa's mobile missionaries by raising funds to purchase 10 motorbikes. With these motorbikes, the missionary team can extend their reach to the unreached tribes in Liberia, establish local churches, train leaders, provide biblical resources, and provide community development services to very rural villages.

These "Revival Riders" rely on motorbikes as their primary mode of transportation. Due to poor roads and difficult-to-reach indigenous areas, two-wheelers are their best option. The team works closely with local communities and builds genuine relationships within the communities they serve. They share the Gospel respectfully, leveraging local cultures, languages, and traditions to make their message accessible and meaningful. Wordsower is dedicated to establishing new churches, providing individuals a place to unite and worship the Lord.

The motorbikes also carry life-saving interventions. When the team encounters people needing urgent medical treatment, they transform into pseudo-ambulances and transport them to hospitals. The motorbikes function as a pharmacy on wheels, delivering medicine to hard-to-reach communities. They are also useful for carrying building materials and film projection equipment to church construction sites so the team can use media to help spread their message of Christ.

Wordsower also runs leadership development programs to equip church members with the skills they require to become effective servant leaders. The programs cover biblical knowledge, pastoral care, conflict resolution, community building, and more. By providing leaders with a well-rounded skill set, they are empowered to tackle the diverse challenges of leading a community of to faith.