Help young men enjoy meals to grow healthy

Project 51: Happy Tummies - Honduras

In collaboration with “Rice Bowls”, we will be supporting 50 children by providing 3 meals a day over 6 months in two community homes (The Micah Project boys home and Rancho Ebenezer orphanage) that care for orphaned and street children in Honduras.Read more

100% Funded

$10,000 of $10,000

People served

50 served

Project category

Child Development


Tegucigalpa, Honduras

In collaboration with “Rice Bowls”, we will be supporting 50 children by providing 3 meals a day over 6 months in two community homes (The Micah Project boys home and Rancho Ebenezer orphanage) that care for orphaned and street children in Honduras.

Did you know that malnutrition plays a part in more than half of all child deaths worldwide**?

Malnutrition stunts growth, leads to mental and physical impairment such as anemia, and slower cognitive development, as well as weakened immune systems making children more susceptible to diseases.

Orphaned children are most vulnerable- not only to malnutrition but also at risk of being exposed to child labor, human trafficking and begging. According to UNICEF, there are currently around 163 million orphaned children in the world.

The Micah Project boys home and Rancho Ebenezer orphanage care for and support vulnerable children in Honduras.

The Micah Project is a non-profit organization in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, with group homes for 22 boys, an outreach to street-connected youth, and a variety of other ministries in their community.

Rancho Ebenezer has a lively 80 acre campus which serves as home to 36 abandoned children aged from infants to 18 years.

When orphanages and community homes which often operate on minimal budgets don’t have to worry about sourcing and covering the costs of adequate nutritional food, they can just focus on loving, teaching, protecting, and providing for the children in their care.

So this is where Rice Bowls comes in! We are excited to be partnering for the first time with Rice Bowls. They do awesome things by partnering with children’s homes around the world to cover 100% of their locally sourced meals. The dishes are nutritionally balanced and homemade combining animal or plant-based protein, vegetables, rice & tortillas- packed full goodness for growing kids.

This model is sustainable and an added benefit is that it also helps contribute to the local economy. Please help us in powering up these children with daily nutritious meals so they can grow into their full potential!

** Source: UNICEF