Families in Rohal Village, Cambodia need clean water

Project 45: Clean Water, Healthy Village - Cambodia

We are providing safe water, improved health, and Gospel hope in Rohal Village. The well will be installed in a village of 306 people. Join this project to bring clean water and health to people in Cambodia.Read more

100% Funded

$31,500 of $31,500

People served

306 served

Project category

Health & Hygiene


Trapeang Ruessei, Cambodia

This is our third time working with this wonderful organization.

Lifewater: provides access to safe water, and improved sanitation and hygiene, one village at a time. For this particular project Mite will be funding a large village water program in Cambodia, with construction projected to conclude by Q3 of 2022.

Mite is providing safe water, improved health, and Gospel hope in Rohal Village located in Cambdoai.

Rohal Village is home to 306 people, with the main industry being agriculture. Another organization installed a well with a hand pump several years ago, but without community investment and education, the pump broke and became unusable and unsafe again, leaving people at risk of catching water-borne diseases like Cholera.

In lieu of a working well, several families dug a pit to access water. For the past year, church volunteers have taken their water committee training to share WASH education with this community, and several surrounding communities.

This project is part of Lifewater’s “Healthy Village” vision, where they aim to build long-term regional transformation. They have been operating in different countries since 2016, including Cambodia working with villages who are eager to empower themselves for sustainable change.

Lifewater works with a community-led approach to sanitation so leaders inspire others to take ownership of these initiatives so everyone benefits. It takes up to three years for communities to obtain a “healthy village” status and assume responsibility for the ongoing maintenance of the clean water source.