book bags, education, nicaragua

Project 3: Book Bags of Blessings - Nicaragua

Barriers to education were overcome by distributing 200 book bags filled with school supplies to Nicaraguan children whose families don't have the resources to purchase these essential items. Now they have the tools they need to go to school and learn. Read more

100% Funded

$15,000 of $15,000

People served

200 served

Project category



Managua, Nicaragua

Barriers to education were overcome by distributing 200 book bags filled with school supplies to Nicaraguan children whose families don't have the resources to purchase these essential items. Now they have the tools they need to go to school and learn.

Remember the first day of your school year? Most likely you had a new school bag, lunchbox, and array of shiny new school books and stationery- all the essentials to take on the new school year.  Sadly not all children will have this experience to the point where they will miss out on attending their classes because their families simply can’t afford the basic supplies for them to engage in their studies.  For some families it’s the choice between feeding their children or buying school books- unfortunately, both can not be a realistic option.

It’s estimated the thousands of children drop out of school due to poverty and instead enter the workforce to help provide for their families. Only 51% make it to the fifth grade and then move into child labor.

We don’t want class supplies to be a barrier to getting an education so we are planning to help 200 children in Managua, Nicaragua by giving them a book bag filled with all the items they need to attend their classes for the year.

Just $20 buys a book bag containing essential items and opens the door to education for poor Nicaraguan children. When you give your Mite to this project you will be impacting the lives of kids and raising their chances of staying in school.   Your love for them will be a blessing wrapped up in a very cool functional Book Bag!