Nothing to Give

3 min read

At times in life we feel like we have nothing to give. We encourage you to keep giving.

Generosity can be daunting when you think you have little to give. As young adults just starting on the new adventure of a job, moving out of Mom and Dad's house, and being self-supporting, there is not much money to go around. This is particularly true when carrying student debt and living in a big city to get a "lucrative" job. The times of scarcity are not limited to youth, though. There may be times of job loss, unexpected bills, medical events, and so on. Life has a way of throwing stuff at us or throwing us into stuff.

During these times, the idea of giving to causes or helping others in need seems far-fetched. People who are in need themselves have little ability to help others. At least that is the idea - a very limiting idea. A sense of having nothing to give is one of the most significant inhibitors to generous living. If a person feels she has nothing to give or that what he has to offer is of no consequence, the result is no giving.

There is no question that a lack of resources is a real obstacle to giving. But, obstacles are to be overcome. A lack of resources does not prevent a person from being generous. The great truth is that a person's gift, in any form - money, time, property, or skill - contains the power to impact - no matter the size.

During our infield visits, we have the opportunity to see our donors' gifts put to work and the incredible global impact they are making. There is no differentiation between the size of the donations. The end result is that Miters celebrate, and well, they should! This is a truth that we have seen in real life at Mite.

We want to do away with this notion of not having anything to give. We want to do away with the Big Donor mentality. If you are a person who desires to help others, you have a place here at Mite. You can positively impact others and make a difference in the world. Your gift is just right! We will honor it by connecting it with the donations of hundreds of other givers to do great things for those in need.

This is part of our vision of Spreading the Joy of Giving! Join us today, and Let's Do Good Globally.

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