The Purpose of Mite

3 min read

A purpose is a vital component of any effective revolution.

A guiding purpose is vital to any revolution. Mite has a purpose guiding its charity revolution. The purpose of Mite is to Make Giving Better. That is the catchy, concise marketing way of expressing our purpose. But what does it mean?

There is an ancient saying which may be familiar to you. It is attributed to Jesus Christ and used by many other individuals and organizations throughout the ages. The saying goes like this: "It is better to give than to receive." This statement may seem radical in our current socioeconomic climate, but recent studies have supported its veracity.

People who give are happier and generally more healthy than those who do not. People who give feel greater fulfillment in their lives and the activities in which they engage. Generous people better understand the world around them, including more knowledge about their own communities.

However, despite studies showing the benefits of giving, our culture has adopted the attitude that receiving is far better than giving. In many instances, it is better to take than to give. This social attitude presents a problem. Selfishness is a plague on society, and the absence of generosity will ultimately cause the downfall of any nation. Generosity and kindness are cornerstones of a healthy society. Studies show that a giving heart provides health benefits for a person. What benefits people in general is also beneficial for a whole society. Charity within a community makes for a healthier community.

At Mite, we promote giving because we believe giving is better than receiving. What's this belief based on? Experience. We know the benefit because we have seen, felt, and lived it in our own lives. While we understand the great benefits of giving, we also are not blind to the fact that some charitable transactions don't end up producing the impact the donor wishes to achieve.

Mite purposefully operates so donors can confidently give, knowing that their donation - or Mite - is used as directed by the donor. We also intentionally encourage every giver to understand that their Mite, regardless of the dollar amount, has a significant impact. Using the latest technology, we bring our donors directly to the field so that they can see with their own eyes the "faces and places" their generosity benefitted. We celebrate the charitable transaction! In this manner, we accomplish Mite's purpose and move closer to a society that understands giving is better.

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