During our recently completed Project 10 - Food and Shoes in Jakarta, Indonesia we had the opportunity to meet Cornel. Sporting a new pair of shoes and a big smile on his face, Cornell sauntered right up to the big crazy Americans and gave hugs all around. Talk about stealing hearts, this young boy, with such a pleasant spirit, captured us right away.
Cornel is a small wisp of a boy, light as a feather with a sparkle in his eye when he smiles. He has a gift of favor with people, evidenced during our time with him. Cornel speaks through his actions and his facial expressions. This is a learned skill, as Cornel is deaf and mute. Communication the way we do it everyday is not something that Cornel can do. So he has adapted to his disabilities and now lives above them.
Cornel’s parents and older brother love him very much. However, the family has limited income and acquiring even basic needs is often a difficult thing. So when Miters gave us the opportunity to touch lives with Food and Shoes we took a bag of food goods and shoes to Cornel and his family. Such joy is shared in a simple gift. When a young boy cannot share his excitement through words, he will do it with his actions. Cornel loved his new shoes so much that he would not take them off. He even slept in them!
Cornel could not speak the words “thank you”, just as he could not hear us say that Miters back at home love him. But being with him, we could tell that Cornel knows the love that was shown to him and his “Thank You” was captured in a big bright smile and sparkling eyes. Miters, enjoy the impact that you made on a young Indonesia boy who faces the world with some disabilities to overcome and a brand new pair of shoes. Believe us when we say, Cornel will conquer what attempts to limit him.